Prayer of Salvation and Spiritual Restoration

I pray therefore to the Lord of the Harvest that you would send forth laborers to interfere into Satan’s plans in___________life Acts 16:31 and that the works of Satan would be destroyed in ___________life.

1John 3:8

I pray Lord God of the Harvest that you would send forth laborers into the Harvest to interrupt, disrupt, and cancel the plans of Satan in __________life

2 Corinthians 4:3-4 and that they would no longer be influenced by the kingdom of darkness Acts 26:18 but

________Will instead come into the Kingdom of Light returning unto the Shepherd and Bishop of their soul Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:24-25

1. Prayer Ministry

2.The Word of God taught in love and    simplicity

3. Music Ministry

4. Children’s Church

5. Men’s fellowship ministry

6. Women’s fellowship ministry

7. Youth Mentoring ministry

8. Marriage Enrichment & Family     Development

9. Evangelism Ministry 

10. Food Distribution Ministry

11. Transportation Ministry

The Father desires personal relationship with you through His son JESUS CHRIST. He is committed to love you, protect you and never harm you if you will come whole heartily unto Him. Accept GOD’S invitation to you. St. John 10:10 lets us know, to choose CHRIST is to choose life. Do it now. You can trust Him to help you. JESUS loves you, He really does. The invitation is still open to you. Come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pastor Willie Royster Love Christian Center Church.