Shirley Royster is the First Lady of Love Christian Center, located at 143 S. Saratoga St. in down town Suffolk. She is the wife of Willie B. Royster who is the Pastor. She is the mother of 3 beautiful daughters, and 3 grandchildren. She is a licensed minister of LCC and a board member of GLO Community Development Corp. and Greater Love Outreach Ministries.
She serves as the Church Clerk, as trainer and assistant director of the Adult Choir, she leads the women’s ministry of LCC known as “Women of P.O.W.E.R.”(prayer, over comers, wisdom, excellence, and righteousness) and whatever she can find her hands to do. She has a desire to help get the good news of Jesus out to a lost and dying world with a sincere sense of urgency knowing, the Lord is so soon to come. Her favorite expression is, IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS!