Healing Confession
Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the Law.
Therefore, I forbid any sickness or disease to come upon my body. Every disease germ and every virus that touches my body dies instantly in the name of Jesus.
Every organ and every tissue of my body functions in the perfection to which God created it to function, and I forbid any malfunction in my body, in the name of Jesus. Psalms 103:1-5 I only receive God’s benefits in my body and in my spirit and in my life in Jesus name.
By Jesus stripes I am healed. Isaiah 53:5 1 Peter 2:24
God is restoring health and healing to my body in Jesus Name. Jeremiah 30:17 The healing power of Jesus Christ is working in my body right now. Proverbs 4:20-21
Jesus Christ has redeemed me from sickness. For sickness
Jesus Christ has given me health. 3 John 2 for death
Jesus Christ has given me life. St. John 10:10 for poverty
Jesus Christ has given me wealth. Psalms 112:1-3
I am more than conqueror through Jesus that love me and I overcome all sickness and diseases by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and by the word of my testimony. Revelation 12:11
Psalms 118:17 I shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord. Psalms 91:16 with long life will God satisfy me and show me his Salvation. (Great Grace)
Job 22:28 This is my Healing Confessions and my Decree to living long, health, wealthy and strong in Jesus name.
Favor Confession
In the name of Jesus, by the authority of GOD’S Word, from this moment forward, I do not look at myself in the natural, but according to the word of GOD. I see myself the way GOD sees me. I am highly favored of the LORD. I am crowned with glory and honor. I take authority over condemnation, over quilt, over shame, over inferiority. That’s not GOD. I break its power over me.
In Jesus name, I declare by faith, I walk in favor. I have preferential treatment. I refuse to allow condemnation in my life. From this moment forward, my self-esteem and my self-image shall rise and be in accordance with God’s Word. I’ll not be high minded. I’ll walk in humility. But I know who I am in Christ, and I fully expect the treatment that is afforded to those who are highly favored.
In Jesus name, every morning when I arise, I will declare, this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it , and I’ll walk in favor!’ Doors will open for me that men say are impossible to open. Today, this very day, I expect the favor of God to go before me.
In Jesus’ Name, I am honored by my Father, I am special to him. I am the object of his affection. And if God loves me, nothing can separate me from His love. I am favored of the Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.
God said, begin to expect me to show in everything you do and everywhere you go so I can support you, endorse you, assist you, make things easier, provide you with advantages, and grant special privileges. God wants to feature you and give you special prominence.